A long, long time ago… before there were birds or kittens, before there were humans or plants, before the existence of the moon or stars, God already existed since eternity. God had created beautiful creatures full of power and grace called angels. Before evil was born, there was joy and happiness thru all Universe.
The angels were also called “morning stars” and sang together with joy before all things came to life (Job 38:7). These creatures, as was written in the Bible, were “mighty warriors” that praised God and followed His commands (Psalm 103:20 - 21). But there was one angel that was above all others… About him was written: “You were an example of what was perfect. You were full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You had a wonderful life, like those in Eden, the garden of God. Every valuable gem was on you: ruby, topaz and emerald, yellow quartz, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and chrysolite. Your jewelry was made of gold. It was prepared the day you were created. I appointed a living creature to guard you. I put you on the holy mountain of God. You walked among the gems of fire. Your life was right and good. This was from the day you were created, until evil was found in you.” (Ezekiel 28:12-15)
It is not known why in the perfect environment of heaven, evil developed in the heart of an angel. That is why some Bible experts call it the “mystery of sin”. What is written in this behalf is registered in Ezekiel 28:17 – “You became too proud because of your beauty. You ruined your wisdom because of your greatness (...)”. Isaiah 14:13 and 14 – “You told yourself, ‘I will go up to heaven. I will put my throne above God’s stars. I will sit on the mountain of the gods. I will sit on the slopes of the sacred mountain. I will go up above the tops of the clouds. I will be like God Most High.’”
Here is the sad picture of a beautiful angel that wasn’t satisfied in being the most admired creature in heaven, he wanted to be the Creator. He didn’t want admiration, he wanted worship. At first, even he didn’t understand the real nature of his feelings, but as he nurtured in his heart the willing to be like God, he started to ingeniously spread to other angels his personal doubts about God’s justice and the righteousness of His laws. Unfortunately, some angels were deceived.
Heaven’s happiness was broken, there was no more peace among God’s creatures. Some angels remained uncontaminated, but uncertainty was installed in the Universe. What would happen if the traitors were destroyed? “Are God’s laws fair?”, “Is God really worthy of praise?”, “Is God really love?” were the echoes of the work of a corrupt angel. And as war antagonizes peace, in the proportion that conflict installed, warfare started.
The book of Revelation, the last book in the Bible, describes in codes (12:7 - 9): “Then there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back. But the dragon was not strong enough. He and his angels lost their place in heaven. He was thrown down out of heaven. (The giant dragon is that old snake called the devil or Satan. He leads the whole world the wrong way.) The dragon with his angels was thrown down to the earth.”
The once beautiful angel called morning star now became Satan, the deceiver. And now he and his angels were expelled from heaven. Love and doubt couldn’t co-exist. The fallen angels couldn’t stay happy in God’s presence. Would the fallen angels repent? Were God and His laws truly wrong? Now Satan and his fallen angels found the opportunity to prove their theories as the Universe watched…
To be continued
Bible facts:
1 - It is important to know that although the Bible is composed by 66 different books, it should be studied as one whole scripture at the many topics covered. The same theme can be covered in different chapters of one book or even in different books. That is why in one study we will read vesicles from different writers in the Holy Bible to understand the whole picture and the Bible´s full meaning on the subject.
2 - The verses we read in Ezekiel 28 were addressed to the king of Tyre, a king that was believed to be an “incarnation” of evil, who was against Gods people. The same situation is found in Isaiah 14, in which the speech is directed to the king of Babylon, a kingdom that in biblical prophecy represents evil. That is why many experts understand that in these texts the inspired authors were actually describing the fallen angel that originated evil in a language that would be easy for readers at that time to interpret and to associate with quotidian life.
3 - The fallen angel that we described in this study is also known as “Lucifer”. This name originated as a translation of the term “full of light” found in Isaiah 14:12 at the roman Vulgata (version of the Bible written by S. Jerome) and has gain popularity. It is widely accepted to name that angel before it became Satan.